Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day Surprises

First things first: Happy Valentines Day to everyone! So far mine has been a pretty decent day, even with being at work. My ankle that I rolled on Friday is feeling much better minus the fact that I cannot put too much weight on my heel. I was on facebook and one of the guys that had an interest in me in A school but kept deleting me as a friend. Well I went to go out to see him and he pretty much ditched me the whole time i wss there minus the time he took to get me from the airport. I have not spoke to him since then. But I was curious today so I found him (again) and I was shocked to see that for his profile pic was an ultrasound photo. I am thinking to myself: "WOW!! What a player!". Thank gosh I don't like him or could care less for him. But I am insanely crazy for the guy I am with now. Me and him have been seeing each other for a year now, but only dated him for a short amount of time. Now for the time I have gotten to know him and spend time with him, I honestly don't know what I would do without him. He keeps me sane on one of those bad days and I am there for him. I think I can safely say that I love him and I really and truely mean it. Love is one of those words that I wouldn't toss around like it has no meaning, I would give meaning those those beautiful four letters.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

First Post

Today has been a gosh-aweful day! I got chewed out at work today over stupid things and my superiors seem to be out for blood. I got to see my guy today, although he was in just as foul of a mood as I was, possibly more so. Being me, I try to play the good girlfriend and try to cheer him up and less pissed off. My intentions were good, but failed epically. This crushed whatever spirit and heart I had left in me for the day and it was a point of the day. Thank gosh I will be off for 3 days and get a little unwinding time away from work in Milan. Its pretty exciting that I'm actually going to be exploring the city instead of being stuck in the airport waiting on flights. If all goes well, I might make a trip to Venice while I am up in Milan for Carnevale.